{7 Pages} – Your Website Can’t Live Without

Don’t you want your website to be unique than others?

Having a unique website comprises of various parameters like its design, flow as well as the content.

Yes, the content of your website is considered as one of the most influencing parameters to keep your visitors engaged.

Do you know why do you create a website?

Probably, to reach to a wide range of audience, and to create your digital presence on different platforms.
Website is a model of your online business that lets your visitor know about your company, what you do, what products/services do you offer, how do you help your visitors and customers, and how can your visitors reach to you. This is nothing but a virtual way to welcome your clients or visitors.

In order to keep your website a knowledgeable one, you need to take some things into consideration like what are your expectations from a website, what information do you wish to highlight on it, who will write content for a website, etc. While designing a website, ask yourself some basic questions like :

• What pages should be incorporated into my website?

• Should I have a testimonial page?

• Do I need a company blog?

• What content should I put on the homepage?

• What private policies do I need on my web pages?

When you create a website, there are some web pages needed for standard or general to small websites. Below is a list of common web pages that your website needs to incorporate and the type of information these web pages should feature.

1. Home Page

First and foremost page to be developed for every website is its homepage. Most of the visitors coming from search engine searches or promotional ads will land to your home page first. So, you need to be sure of creating an eye appealing design along with engaging content.
You get a few seconds to grab visitors’ attention through a web page. Hence, make sure that your homepage is well organized and also, properly architect.
Make it easy for your visitors to understand who you are, what you do and what services do your offer. Make them realize that you are a solution they are seeking by describing the products and services along with some relevant pictures. You can also bifurcate the products with their features and cost associated to provide a clear idea to your visitors.

Home Page

Make the most of your visitors’ time by displaying the current offers or discounts that you are offering as this helps to grab their attention and also to establish your credibility.Get in Touch

Necessary Highlights on Home Page :

(i) Listing of important pages.

(ii) Listing of products and services.

(iii) Listing of features.

(iv) Contact information.

Related: How to Design a Website when you’re Not a Website Designer?

2. Products or Services Page


Products and Services is a vital page for all websites which tells your visitors about the products that you sell or the services that you provide. Usually, most of the website owners think that including product and summary description is not a good idea as their visitors will get all information on the site and they would not bother contacting them. But this is simply not true.

Most people use online platforms to search for the information that they want. They want their questions to be answered by anyone. That’s it! So if your website provides them their answer then they will surely become your loyal visitors.This increases the credibility of your website and hence, its rank in search engine also increases.

Visitors do contact on the number provided on the website, if they want anything to be explained. Thus, you shall provide all the facts about your products and services on the webpage to make visitors stay with you for longer time.

Necessary Highlights on Products/ Services Page :

(i) Name of the product or service.

(ii) Features of product or service.

(iii) Different plans and cost of products or service.

(iv) Shortcut buttons to purchase a product (e.g. Buy now button) or to avail the service (e.g. Book my room button).

Related: A Complete Guide to Selecting the Best Colors for Your Website

3. About Page

About Us page gives you the best opportunity to elaborate about your company and display the real faces who are actually running the show. This page holds the power to connect emotionally with the people by letting them know how you started your company and till now what have you achieved along with the customers’ satisfaction.

Necessary Highlights on About Us page :

(i) About the Company.

(ii) Company’s core values.

(iii) Company’s mission and vision.

(iv) Work process.

(v) How is your company different from others?

4. Contact US Page

Contact Us page should be included so that visitors can directly move on to you to initiate the purchase process. Usually, people go through your website’s content and after reading out about different plans, they like to talk to you via email or phone call. For more information, your clients may like to pay a visit to your office and for that, your physical address needs to be mentioned.

Necessary Highlights on Contact Us page :

(i) Phone number.

(ii) Email address.

(iii) Physical address – embedded to Google Map with a link to get direction.
You can also add a contact form where visitors can fill in their information.


Links to all your social media profiles on the web pages can create a one-on-one relation with the visitors on their preferred platform. In this, you need to be sure that you are regularly active on the platforms that you mention on your website.

5. Terms & Policy Page

This page must contain all the legal information about your products and services. Cover your terms and conditions not only to protect yourself from further damages but also to provide clear and true information to your customers. This page helps in building trust between you and visitors and also, it shows your professionalism.

Necessary Highlights on Terms & Policy Page :

(i) Privacy Policy.

(ii) Your company’s terms and services regarding product plans and cost.

6. Testimonial

Absolutely, the testimonial is important for your website as it sum ups deeds of your hard work. A review from the 3rd party is very persuasive. Choose the detailed quotes and reviews from customers and mention them on this page. Make sure the reviews you collect should provide specific and detailed information, simply “I like this company” cannot be included in the best review section. Instead, a review explaining details about the service or product and their working with the full name of the user and may be with their photo. This will further enhance the credibility of your testimonial page.

Necessary Highlights on Testimonial Page :

(i) Reviews.

(ii) Loyal customers.

7. Page Not Found Page

Technically speaking a Page Not Found page is a 404 error page, where visitors are redirected when they try to reach to a page that no longer exists, has moved or expired. You can have customized 404 error or page not found page that may take visitors back to some valuable page.
Here’s a classy example of 404 error page from Disney. They have highlighted a famous character from Monsters University movie.

404 error

Necessary Highlights on Page Not Found Page :

(i) A trendy way to inform the visitors that their requested page is not available

(ii) Redirecting link to other useful pages

These pages cover almost everything that an online business would like their visitors to know about them.

Does your website need Up-gradation?

Your website must contain all the pages mentioned in this article. If it doesn’t then this is the time that you should consider upgrading your website. What other pages do you think that a website must have? Let us know in the comment section about the pages you would like to incorporate in a website.